De U.S. is now part of de “third world!”

Some cricket fans seh de WICB don’t do anything, while others seh, over de years it actually did some really “strange” and “inexplicable” things. Dem sehin de board latest “endeavour” gat to be de one that “tek de cake”. It decide fuh host two matches on de current New Zealand tour in Florida. De first thing people can’t understand is how come de big USA officially turn part of de West Indies and de “third world”! Dem seh while de board need lessons in plenty things regarding cricket, it definitely need a lesson in Geography! People seh dem ain’t gat a problem with cricket playing in de “pan-handle” state, but clearly it gat to be under de auspices of that state or organisations there! That is where “strange” come in when trying fuh understand de board decision. People seh dem gat a explanation why de games playing there.  Dem seh is spite; spite because de matches was to be played here at de stadium, but because de ministry “probe” de local cricket board, de WICB which support de board despite de allegations, decide fuh move all matches schedule fuh here. A Test match against Australia is de last series was move even though it was already advertised! People sehin even if dem want fuh spite de country that produce some of de best players of de world including de current number 1 Test batsman, dem coulda at least move it to another country in de Region, just like how dem move de Test match to Dominica! Dem seh that is where “inexplicable” come with regards to de board decision even though people know de real reason.
But, then others sehin, why be surprise, because nothing de board do should be surprising anymore! After all, dem had to be pressured fuh bring back Galye, dem still keeping Sars out even though he mekin plenty runs fuh he county in England and Shiv not in de one day team when it badly need somebody fuh hold de side together! Dem sehin these is just some of de reasons why de team not winning simply because de board ain’t gat a formula! While some of de players, including budding ones confuse, students across de region confuse too. Dem now have to “learn” that de USA mainland is part of de “third world!”. De question is, would players from Florida now be eligible to play fuh de “maroon” team! Ting-a-ling-a-ling…Friend tell friend…Mattie tell mattie!

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